

Soban's Carolina Adamovna

Karolina Adamovna Soban's born Countess Rzhevuskaya was born in 1794 in the famous Polish aristocratic family. Sobanska received a brilliant education in one of the best salons in Vienna. After the expulsion from Bessarabia at the beginning of the 19th century, the Turks and Tatars began the rapid settlement of the region. Emperor Alexander I granted her husband 15 thousand acres of land on the left side of the Dniester estuary. There, not far from the sea, an estate was built, which Sobansky gave to his beautiful wife. The settlement that arose around the estate received the name of the owner - Carolinin Bugaz - unlike Bugaz on the other side. Over time, this name was transformed into the Carolino-Bugaz, under which it is known today. In this estate, Caroline Sobanska collected Polish patriots who were dissatisfied with the oppression of Poland by Russia. It was here that the famous Polish uprising of 1830-1831 began to be prepared. TO. Soban alone and together with friends often visited Akkerman, where they had friends-like-minded people and where they sometimes gathered to confuse the spies of the Russian Tsar._ _ _ _ _ Winter Soban spent in Odessa, where she had a beautiful salon, which was visited by the disgraced Pushkin. The poet was passionately in love with the beautiful and intelligent polka, wrote to her a number of poetic masterpieces - "Do you forgive me jealous dreams", "Night", "What is in my name for you". In my deep conviction, it is her, the secret love of Pushkin, dedicated to his masterpiece "I Remember a Wonderful Moment" - my work on this is published in the press. Soban and another great poet Adam Mitskevich loved passionately and hopelessly. He devoted a number of beautiful sonnets to her, and described his love in the drama "Bar Confederates". After the defeat of the Polish uprising, Sobanska greatly helped the disgraced and exiled Polish patriots, for which she deserved the hatred of the tsarist administration. When her husband, General Jan Witt was appointed governor of Warsaw, she saved many patriots from Siberia. Caroline Sobanska died in Paris at the age of 91, in 1885